Young Travelers First Real Ride

This Monday was the last day for this group of Young Travelers. The weather was beautiful, so they got to free ride Hilbilly and Oreo. They had a continuous smile on their faces the whole time. We had pizza for dinner, and they created a dream board. They cut pictures out of magazines and glued […]

Young Travelers 1/25/2010 – Wisdom

Tonight the boys continued working on their belts. The adult volunteers are learning a lot too. They are coming along nicely. We talked about wisdom and discussed the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The boys are staring to get engaged in conversation. We are getting to know each other more and having fun together.Take a […]

Young Travelers

This week the boys got a chance to play in the hay! The weather did not permit us to ride, but we got to spend time in the barn. Tonight we talked about forgiving others. It was a really good discussion. These boys really are engaged and very intelligent when it comes to things of […]

Young Travelers-Saddle Up

Monday was our last Young Travelers class. The boys finished up their belts and they really turned out nice. Jalen’s brother wanted to wear it, so he gave him a few bucks! We finished our discusion of the Young Travelers Gift Book with persistence. Somehow the conversation ended up about trusting people and who do […]