Happy New Year! Check out New Year’s Pics

Hello, friends and family of the Lazy B’s Ranch. We haven’t written in a while because, well, time just slipped away. So, we wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The cold, icy, snowy weather has prevented some “horse play” the last couple of weeks, but hopefully we can get back on track with our equine friends this month. Even though we don’t do much riding in the winter, we still need to spend time with the horses keeping them in shape and keep reminding them who is boss. We do this by round penning, bending exercises, or just taking a walk out in the field. I love this kind of time because it helps with bonding with your horse. I think they really do like just taking a walk.

We also are open on Saturdays from 2:00 – 4:00 for mentors to bring their mentees to the ranch for some “horse play” (weather permitting). Chris has been doing this for a while, ever since she started working at Behavior Educators, in Adrian. The kids have been having a great time interacting with the horses and they always want to come back. This is something Chris can do with her mentee that does not cost anything but her gas to get here.

We are also continuing some relationships with a few of the kids we had here in 2008 doing community service while they were on probation. A few have come back just to hang out and one girl has been attending church with me. These relationships are important for these kids, because we are just ordinary people who love and care for them. We can be just friends and a have a listening ear.

We look forward to see what God is doing to do at the ranch this year. I know He has amazing things planned and only with His grace upon us can do we anything here! Have a blessed 2009!!!

One Comment

  1. It is awesome to see what God is doing thro’ the ranch and all who live there, help out and visit. I look forward to being a continuing part of what is going on. God Bless everyone involved and thanks for giving back to our community. Here’s to a bigger and better 2009, bringing more Jesus to those he loves.

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